famous bakes^^

Saturday, 5 October 2013

Delicia Potato Rice ^^

Assalamualaikum wbt.,annyeonghaseyo and hello everyone...long time no see..hehe...today, I'm not going to talk about cakes, rather I would like to share my latest recipe. It's obviously not a cake, in fact it's rice. Hmmmm....I don't know what should I name it, therefore I would just named it 'Delicia Potato Rice'.the same as my cake previously.

Living here as a medical student in Makassar, Indonesia is not really like what most people outside thought. Most of us would think that the expenses or living cost in Indonesia is cheaper compare to Malaysia, but as for me, I don't think so, because in order to get a good healthy delicious food at clean sanitized restaurant, it would cost you about seven ringgit = 22,000 rupiah,(the lowest) per person. In fact, the price at the ordinary, 'not so clean' restaurant or the roadside stalls would cost you about four ringgit = 12,000 (minimally). 

I'm tired of having the cheap, oily food,..plus I think the rice at the ordinary restaurant here really rich in carbohydrates(starch) which make it high in calories, I don't know how the rice is manufactured here, but it a bit different (that's what me and my friends thought). I'm afraid of having atherosclerosis and diabetes at a young age. However, since I'm staying in a room which is almost like a hostel, I'm not allowed to bring any gas or electric stove, except a rice cooker (only allow to cook rice)...hoho...what so boring for someone who loves cooking and eating delicious healthy food like me...(it sounds so amusing here...hahaha...)

Nevertheless, a chef brain will never lack of idea (haha...em just kiddin' but somehow it could be true..only people surrounding me can judge me..)   And therefore tonight.....em going to present you my new recipe ==> 'Delicia Potato Rice'...why potato??? It's because I'm using potato in order to balance my daily calories and vitamins intake as a medical student. In fact, I'm using Sol Grains’ sprouted brown rice (SBR), also known as germinated brown rice and GABA rice.

Okay, let me show you what we need and how to cook 'Delicia Potato Rice'...Don't forget to give a try..you may never regrets..^^

Ingredients (for 1-2 person):
  •  A cup Nuriz SBR or GABA rice (p/s: you may also use Faiza Herba Rice or any other brands)
  • 1 1/2 cup or water
  • 5-ounce potato (slightly larger than  a tennis ball) sliced
  • 5-ounce carrot (about 4cm in length)  sliced
  • 1/2 of apple (sliced like a cube) -p/s: I highly recommended green apple for diabetic or hyperglycemic patient ^^
  • a clove of garlic (sliced)
  • a piece of Spanish onion (sliced)
  • 1/4 of onion (sliced)
  • 2 cm of ginger
  • one lemongrass (sliced)
  • small chillies (1/2 optional)
  • 'sup bunjut' spices (ADABI or any brands)
  • 1 small bar 'maggi' chicken cube (but I highly recommended you to serve your own chicken stew with no additional preservative^^ but don't forget to reduce the amount of water for rice^^)
  • 1 table spoon oyster sauce
  • a pinch of salt and sugar
  • 1 table spoon olive oil (for saute the spices and onions)

 Methods of cooking (by using rice cooker/multifunction cooker):
  1.  Saute garlic, Spanich onion, onion, ginger,chillies and lemongrass until the onions turn yellowish.
  2. Add water and put together the 'sup bunjut' spices, 'maggi' chicken cube/homemade chicken stew, potatoes, carrots, apple and also the oyster sauce --> let them boil for a while.
  3. Once boiled, add in GABA rice and mix thoroughly.  
  4. Leave the rice to be cooked and ready to serve. 
 Nutritional facts:

GABA rice: 
This kind of rice requires much care and effort during manufacturing. With exact soaking, exact sprouting and exact drying methods give this rice exceptional nutrients, flavor, stability and digestibility. Major nutrients that increase are Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), dietary fiber, inositol, ferulic acid,  tocotrienols, magnesium, potassium, zinc and oryzanol.  A research conducts by a Japanese researcer, Dr. Hiroshi Kayahara from Shishu University in Nagano, Japan; indicates that a continuous intake of sprouted brown rice promotes the acceleration of brain functionality, preventing headaches, relieving constipation, preventing colon cancer, regulating blood sugar level, preventing heart disease, lowering blood pressure as well as preventing Alzheimer’s disease (research presented at the 2000 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies in Hawaii, December 2000). 

Besides, sprouting brown rice also neutralizes phytic acid found in brown rice.  Phytic acid is an inhibitor of nutrient absorption and can be found in all grains, beans and seeds.  Neutralizing the phytic acid allows for more absorption of the many nutrients found in sprouted brown rice. http://solgrains.com/SproutedBrownRice.html

Olive oil: 

 Olive oil has a reputation for being good for the body. In ancient times, olive oil was used to "cure" ailments. Now, olive oil is used for frying and flavor. Even though it is oil, olive oil can be a healthy part of your diet. Olive oil servings will change depending on its use. There will be more olive oil in vinaigrette than there will be in a simple pan-fried dish. For consistency, a serving of olive oil is 1 tbsp.

Calories: Every tablespoon of olive oil has nearly 120 calories. Those watching their caloric intake should watch the amount of olive oil they consume as the calories add up fairly quickly.

Fat: Olive oil is high in fat. One tbsp. of olive oil has 14 g of fat. This is 21 percent of your daily value. Of this fat, only 2 g are saturated fat. This is 9 percent of your daily value of the unhealthy type of fat.

Omega fatty acids: Omega fatty acids are considered healthy fats. Olive oil has a small amount of Omega-3 (103 mg) but has a high amount of Omega-6 fatty acid with 1,318 mg.

Vitamin E & K: You can get 10 percent of your daily value of vitamins E and vitamin K with 1 tbsp. of olive oil.
Per serving size, one 5-ounce potato (slightly larger than a tennis ball) has 3 grams of fiber, 5 grams of protein, 20 percent of the recommended daily value of vitamin C and 10 percent of the recommended daily value of Iron. They also rank among the top 20 antioxidant-rich foods, all for about 150 calories and zero fat.
Vitamin C assists with iron absorption, aids healing and supports the immune system. Iron helps build a healthy circulatory system. Antioxidants are believed to help prevent cells from developing cancer. One 4-ounce or more potato counts as a serving toward the CDC-recommended five to seven servings of fruits and vegetables each day.
P/s:  Keep a potato's skin on to gain full nutritional benefits; most of the nutrients are stored right below the skin. The skin is perfectly edible and often quite tasty on baked or grilled potatoes.

Carrots are low in fat and calories and high in fiber, making them a great snack with staying power. They are high in vitamin A and low in sodium and have no cholesterol.
  • Vitamins and minerals: Carrots are an extremely good source of vitamin A. One serving contains 20,380 IUs, or 408 percent of the FDA's recommended daily value. Vitamin A promotes healthy eyes, intestinal and urinary tracts, and mucous membranes. Carrots are also high in vitamins C and K, and potassium.
Calories: One serving of carrots---about one cup of carrot sticks---supplies 50 calories. Carrots contain very few calories for their bulk, so they make a great snack between meals.
One serving of carrots contains only 0.3 grams of fat.
Fibers: Carrots are a good source of fiber. One serving contains 3.4 grams of dietary fiber. 
Carbohydrates: Carrots contain 11.7 grams of carbohydrates per serving, about half of which are from sugars.

 "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." It's a saying we've all heard before, and it's also happens to have a lot of evidence backing it up. Apples are nutritious in addition to being delicious and readily available. Try adding apples to your regular diet in order to take advantage of the nutrition they offer.
Fiber: Apples are a great source of dietary fiber. In fact, just one medium-sized apple contains 15 percent of the fiber you need daily to maintain a healthy diet.
  • Vitamin C: is another important nutrient found in apples. One apple offers about 13 percent of the daily recommended allowance of vitamin C.
  • Antioxidants: Apples contain a number of antioxidants, including vitamin E and various enzymes. These help protect the body from oxidative damage caused by free radicals.
  • Flavinoids: are special nutrients found mostly in the skin of the apple. These help prevent blood clots and also regulate blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
  • Calories: A medium apple contains only 81 calories.This means you won't have to feel even a little guilty for having one as a snack.
So what do you think??? A plate of rice with thousands benefits for your body... It's the time to change... it's simple to be healthy^^ What we take now is the picture of our future body^^think about it :)

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Medical Vs. Bakery

"Medical vs. Bakery" looks like they haven't related at all BUT for me they do have relation...those in medical, to be a doctor is to safe peoples' life, thus to make them, "patients and their family" happy and healthy..the same as bakery..we made breads and cakes..so that people can eat them..there are so many people who love breads & cakes...when we ate breads & cakes, while having moist chocolate cake, cheese cake or even red velvet cake, huh.... there's kinda feeling, we couldn't explained at all..we are really satisfied..we enjoy them very much..so that I love both of them...as I love to make people happy and see their smiles of satisfy :)